I remember when I first started working with Carly and she told me how hard photos were for her family. They were stressful and not enjoyable experiences. Last year I got the pleasure of documenting her family surfing during their morning surf sessions. It was my favorite session to date. It is actually the session that pushed my love for documentary sessions.

After that session I checked in to see how they felt about the session, and she was so extremely pleased. She told me that it was the first session where everyone just enjoyed themselves.

This year I was excited to give the same experience to them.

Months ago, Carly and I started to discuss their session. The feel that she wanted was "Billabong Ad". And with her surf loving family we couldn't think of a better location than the beach. But not just any beach, the beach their kids have grown up at.

This beach is special. This family is special. And their love is so very special. It was a joy to document them in their element.

Best thing, I am happy to report that we had the same outcome, everyone was happy at and after the session.